Study center Ulm

Ulm University Hospital - Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy & Leadership Personality Center Ulm (LPCU)

Overall study management
Project focus on the company medical training courses

Study management: PD. Dr. med. Eva Rothermund, Prof. Dr. Harald Gündel
Center management: PD. Dr. med. Eva Rothermund
Study Coordinator: Kristin Herrmann (M.Sc.)

Here you find the contact persons for the offers in the region Ulm/Neu-Ulm

Study center Düsseldorf


Co-director of studies

Project focus on intersectoral information exchange, process evaluation

Click here to find the contact persons for offers in the Düsseldorf region and process evaluation

Study center Erlangen


Project focus on intercultural aspects in therapy

Here you can find the contact persons for the offers in the Erlangen region and intercultural aspects in therapy

Study center Hildesheim


Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the University of Hildesheim & University Outpatient Clinic for research and teaching at the University of Hildesheim

Project focus on workplace-related psychotherapy

Head of Center: Prof. Dr. Christoph Kröger
Coordinator Center Hildesheim: Marieke Hansmann (M.Sc.)


Here you find the contact persons for the offers in the region Hildesheim

Study center Berlin/Teltow


Project focus on psychosomatic rehabilitation

Here you can find the contact persons for offers in the Berlin / Teltow region

Study center of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, BauA


Project focus on formative evaluation

Here you can find the contact persons for qualitative interviews and group discussions

Study center Heidelberg


Project focus on data management

Here you can find the contact persons for inquiries regarding data management

Study center Günzburg


Project focus on health economic evaluation

Here you can find the contact persons for inquiries regarding the health economic evaluation