Frühe Intervention am Arbeitsplatz – an offer for companies and their employees
In the friaa (german: Frühe Intervention am Arbeitsplatz; english: eary intervention in the workplace) joint project, the universities and university clinics of Düsseldorf, Hildesheim, Erlangen, Berlin/Teltow and Ulm offer companies in the respective regions free help and support for employees with mental stress. Additionally the univerity clinics of Heidelberg and Günzburg together with the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health are members of the joint project.
friaa offers free psychotherapeutic interventions for employees of small, medium and large companies who suffer from mental stress. In addition, the friaa project offers employees and the company support in the reintegration process, occupational health physicians training on how to deal with mental illness, and close cooperation between therapists, company health management representatives, occupational health physicians and clinics. All with the goal of better and faster care for employees with mental stress.
A total of eight scientific centers are involved in this extensive project. They benefit from Germany-wide expertise on mental health at the workplace. Take a look around our homepage and get to know the centers!
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.